Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Justice Reaches Out From The Grave And Obama's Words Are Spreading in Texas House Race 102

All this over Stefani "Stef" Carter, Republican, House District 102 Candidate, lifting campaign speech lines from President Obama made me remember when Texas State Board of Education Member Dr. Cynthia Dunbar, self proclaimed Christian conservative, ripped off liberal icon Justice Earl Warren for her opening prayer last month. It was a booyah in yer face to her critics. It backfired in certain circles to use religion in that way. Of course it got the self described liberals all riled up, which was her goal. Some of the funnier headlines were:

Justice reaches out from the grave
She did her homework (from a home schooling blog I read)
Dunbar gets the last laugh

I wonder if Stef was giving it a try Dr. Dunbar style or what.

I haven't made up my mind entirely about that TX House race. They both have some great qualities but then there are some issues I have with their issues. And Stef's association with Eisemann and her use of Murphy Turner doesn't appeal to me what so ever. Since Rep. Kent has a political record as an incumbent, I can say I probably only agree with her about 49% of the time. Honestly, I was hoping Stef's primary opponent Geoff Bailey would come out of the primary because he seemed to be more studied and understand the issues (not a speech or campaign entirely filled with platitudes and party mantra), even if I didn't agree with him on some of them. I would have liked to see more of him. It would be a campaign of ideas and issues between him and the incumbent perhaps more than it looks like it is between the two remaining. There is still time between now and the election for Stef to say something (in her own words) and for Rep. Kent to say what she has done, or will do, that we might not already know. What will they do? My guess is that their campaigns will go total negative, including flat out making up stuff, because that is what has shown to work with those willing to lie. Richardson Texas politicians who employed Murphy Turner are victorious proof of that.