Thursday, June 3, 2010

Flashback Dallas County Commissioners Court Lovefest and Elevator

I was reminded this past week about the times Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price called Commissioner Dickey “Mama Mia.” To me it sounded misogynistic the way he said it. Of course, she has said some things to him that are so highly partisan it is ridiculous. She does a lot of things right though.

Interestingly, she did get into a fracus with Councilman John Murphy who was causing trouble for her in her shared arena so she caused some trouble for Councilman Murphy up in his arena. I would not take bets on who to believe in that little fight. Murphy likes to pick and cause fights, I know that. And Dickey is a wheeler dealer. So, it was like a three way (six way?) bad romance. Richardson City Councilman Murphy calling Dallas County Commissioner Wiley Price getting him to vote against Dickey's deal. Wiley Price calling Dickey, "Mama Mia." Then, "Mama Mia" calling "Linda Sue." I wouldn't be surprised if "Barb" wasn't involved in all that romance. I am sure bad stuff was said about that new guy and his futon.

Anyway, Wiley Price has stood up for some good things that no one else had the nerve to over the years, among his not so noteworthy (freakishly embarrassing) tirades. Wiley Price and Dickey were made for fighting each other and I hate it when they fight, but since they do, it begs to be made fun (of).

Commissoner Maurine Dickey says vote Republican For Your Family's Sake

Still not as funny as when Lupe Valdez, Dickey, and selected fortunate others got stuck in the jailhouse elevator. Priceless. Now, whose idea was it to cut the maintenance fund? Commissioner Mayfield’s?
I feel bad for Sheriff Lupe Valdez and Dallas County. Her predecessor seemed to have huge corruption problems, but Valdez seems to have competency issues. This is what happens with buddy buddy system, partisan politics and lack of people willing to run.