Sunday, June 27, 2010

Dear Richardson TX Council, "Report on Items Of Community Interest" is not adequate agenda posting topic.

As requested numerous times, please refrain from using this vague, catchall agenda term. Your attorney may tell you it is appropriate, but given past abused, and given that it can be all too easy to "slip" into non posted items, even if someone isn't meaning to do wrong. Please specify what items of community interest you will report on. Thank you.

Update: The Council for the most part, with only a few exceptions, appears to be refraining and trying hard to keep from "discussion" to the significant degree that they have over the years under the vague, catchall agenda listings. That is a step in the correct direction however it should not be used as an excuse to not post items of interest on the agenda and discuss them "offline" and filtering and slanting the items as opposed to discussing them properly and honestly in public.