Friday, June 11, 2010

I Heart Heart But I Completely Heart And Love You, My Sweetheart

Dear Baby,
I am crazy on you! And it is not just because you fixed my trailer hitch (although stuff like that still makes my heart go pitter patters just a little more each time I just look at you or think about you, even after all these years, or maybe it is because of all these years).

Here is a song for you.

1976, Heart performing Crazy On You.

Heart has shown the world they can rock out for over 35 years too. Nancy's masterful guitar work at the beginning is nothing short of brilliant and the same for the work in movies she has musically scored. Ann, the voice, the passion, the songwriting. Amazing. These sisters should be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Nancy's little kick near the end cracks me up for some reason. And Ann's oh side glances. This is total retro fun.