Sunday, July 11, 2010

Ducks At Duck Creek in Richardson, Texas, December 2005

This photo was taken about during the time that a woman in poor health living nearby (over)fed the ducks profusely and reliably for a good while, and wasn't convinced to stop for a good while either, with the help of her husband who would bring her out to the creek, as one of her enjoyments in life, but it caused challenges. Please do not feed the urban wildlife. Do not teach others to feed the ducks. It nearly always leads to problems, especially when it is done too much, too often. (If you feed them, think of the others who might be doing the same, but like in 50 lb bag quantity. It can add up).

They quacked and seemed to enjoy posing. Well, they thought someone had come to feed them again probably. Or maybe they wanted a drink of cleaner water. (The sparkle on top of the water captured by digital camera is chimerical).

This reminds me. I have one neighbor who feeds the squirrels and the neighbor across the street shoots them with his little pellet gun because he says we have so many and he gets mad when they get into his garden. I told him if he was going to kill them he should learn how to dress, cook and eat them (except the brains). He said he was guilty over it and I haven't heard or seen him doing it this month. He stands in his front yard and shakes his head when he sees the other guy come out to fill up the feeder, who apparently despite being asked by the other guy, like the duck feeding lady did, sees it as his enjoyment in life.

I did not bring up the raccoons. I didn't want those two feeding and shooting on them too.

Garden netting. Chicken wire.

I better manage letterbox bunny to steer clear.