Monday, January 10, 2011

Over a month ago, I referred to at least one known development application on West Spring Valley that was in the works. (Richardson, TX)

It was not deterred (cajoled and convinced away). You were not supposed to know this, that it was in process. The "temporary moratorium" ax fell, despite rush rush efforts, hampered by late posting (this "strategy" has happened before, in different things, in regard to public interests, not just postings and this city moratorium).

The applicant comes today, at a moved up City Council session at 6:00 pm, not the normal 7:00 pm regular time, to come in front of Council to beg to do with her business what she bought it for (a dentist office).

If their tactics against the lady don't pan out, and I hope things do work out for the lady and for taxpayers, but if it doesn't, I say let's get The Visionary (Visionary, visionary), The Bulldozer Heavyhand, The Upchuck, The Choke It Out A-O, and the "responsive" unresponsive councilmen to pay for the taking of her property out of their own pockets.

As in, don't stick everyone else with the bill for your heavy handedness, unready (bold! riight) visions, wacky moratoriums, and sneaky rush rush posting boo boos and fibs.

I hope it turns out well, for the lady and taxpayers' sake.

I like people who get things done, I do not have anything against activists or activist councilmen. I'm just tired of the small group of unelected and elected politicos promoting things, however good some of the sentiments begin, but going about it all in such wacky heavy handed (controversial) (costly to taxpayers), fibby ways, and sticking the city with the bill.

This is the small crowd of politicos that makes fun of people who want basic details, who want to dot and cross the important "i's and t's" and protect and serve taxpayers. The bold guys go out selling things and they do not know the details of what they are selling much of the time. They make fun of people who aren't "bold" (their definition). Nearly all of them laugh at people's homes and businesses (while backstabbing each other and then trying to trick each other that it was someone else), wanting to bulldoze whole areas of Richardson, not just blight, especially according to one of The Bold, and another high profile guy can't decide what he wants, either to preserve or rip up (he has pushed for both, as long as it's not his property and he doesn't have to pay for it).

If they would just all come clean at the city, be straight up, stop causing controversy by trying to stop "controversy" we could all get more positive things done, and not just another lawsuit to defend or to see the city pass out cash to settle (the cash of tax payers).

Even plans with good, positive potential are getting black eyes (ok, pink eyes, happy JWP in Dallas?), why, because we don't trust them to shoot straight.

And whatever you do, please don't offer to let her put her dentist office in the city incubator (wait...), or city hall (wait...), or pay for her expenses and let her use city resources and staff so "donations" can be free to pay her "executive non profit volunteer director" salary (oh wait...)... Hey, maybe you could snow cone her (or shaved ice cup her) (wait...)...