Son of a. I get crossh thish croshwalk. Why's my dinner fish keep get mixshd up wi my beaful santna beard? Shlow dow. You shtupid driber. Can you shee I'm try to eat my fish dinner in peacsh.
Waid a minute. Who took my boddle?
Thish stree busy. I tol you to slow dow! I show you. &*@$( croshwalks! I show you. Spokane croshwalk sign! Stupts dribers! Idiod dribers!
Take that!
(do not click if you do not want to see bad).
&@(#% Donut you tell me to stops! Wheresh my #&*! *hic* b 'oddle?
Now hows I sposed get hom ta Rizzerson? I lub Rizsershon. I lub Losh Vegdas. I nee a taxshe. cuh here hel me downzsh thish po! I a fraid heightsh. Heeeeep. Heeeep. It col. I freeezzshin!
I lub Rizzerson.
Waid a minute. Who took my boddle?
Thish stree busy. I tol you to slow dow! I show you. &*@$( croshwalks! I show you. Spokane croshwalk sign! Stupts dribers! Idiod dribers!
Take that!
(do not click if you do not want to see bad).
&@(#% Donut you tell me to stops! Wheresh my #&*! *hic* b 'oddle?
Now hows I sposed get hom ta Rizzerson? I lub Rizsershon. I lub Losh Vegdas. I nee a taxshe. cuh here hel me downzsh thish po! I a fraid heightsh. Heeeeep. Heeeep. It col. I freeezzshin!
I lub Rizzerson.