If you say, "Hey, Me too!" to this, why not keep agreeing to everything else we recommend no matter what you have been hearing and seeing that's true! Consultants agree! And now we move from dining to gyning in the wonderful medical profession.
The Richardson Coalition, Gynecologists for hire recommendations
1. Dr. Tracey. Richard, although technically retired from the bench, has been in practice for over ninety years. Some complain of his shaking hands, but others seem to have no problem with it, going back for repeated visits, even when medical guidelines suggest no need to do so. Dr. Tracey, or Richard, as he is known in The RC circle, has donated generously to The RC and we reciprocate so therefore rank him #1 on our list.
2. Dr. Lichman. This is one known doctor we found in the phone book. He has agreed to be listed and agrees to The Richardson Way. He has agreed not to be associated in any way with grass roots and that is music to our symphonic ears!
3. Dr. Frost E. Fingers. While he gets a lot of complaints, we think those complaints are merely reactionary from a few troublemakers. We take acception (sic) to the wimpy complainers and for the person who wrote Dr. Fingers saying, "A male gynecologist is like an auto mechanic who has never owned an automobile," we claim to agree, however, we just don't care about much as long as we can be mayor, so sign the damn release form. We will agree to whatever, if you will. We can always change it later.
4. Dr. V. J. Jay. He has a bad reputation among us but we are all about diversity so we are including him, despite objections to ourself. We can always get rid of him from our list if he gives us any trouble.
5. Dr. S. P. Redum, M.D., STD, VD. He is the most popular having infected many with his bedside matter (sic).
6. Colonel Angus. The Colonel is not officially licensed as a medical practitioner, but he is in business with someone on our, The Executive Foundation, so we figured why not put him on our, The Richardson Coalition, list.
7. Dr. Kosopolus. We don't know much about him other than word of mouth that he is very expensive to the point of being exhorbitant and his work tends to be sloppy, but nonetheless we think if we recommend him we will pick up the Grecian vote and keep our numbers strong and he has agreed with our non gynecological stipulations on down the road which is what matters most.
8. Dr. C. O. Jones. He has many aggressive techniques that we only wish we had. He has given his oath to The RC, so look for his name change coming soon!
9. Father Smear. While Father Smear has no medical experience, we find his work in the seminary admirable sounding. He is well known among all ages and is best known as Pap. That's close enough for us to sound popular and we know you'll agree!
10. Dr. Hands. Cole is the son in law of one of our Richardson Coalition Key Members, so he's on our recommend list by default and will be awarded a contract too before you know it despite the more qualified practitioners all claiming otherwise!
There you have it! So go out and gyn, dine, and shine in style in Richardson thanks to recommendations of The Richardson Coalition who can be trusted! We know you will find yourself saying, "Hey, me too!"