R straight party voting was 132,079 and D straight party voting was 152,377. Oddly, "Libertarian" had straight party voting, which was 1, 372. Green Party was 350.
Over 424K voted in the Gov. race in D county (White 55%, Perry 43%)
Noticed a number of crooks and sign stealers were re elected. It must be like the old phrase, "short of murder."
Not every one who is eligible is registered to vote. Of those registered around these North Texas parts, about 37% cast a ballot in the mid-term election.
What happened and aftermath in the rest of the country was slightly more interesting with an R sweep.
I'm not a witch.
M-U-R-K-O-W-S-K-I (Moo)
In Feingold's Loss, Independents Turn On One of Their Own
BAYONETS! "You need to leave here understanding one word. BAYONETS!" - Lt. Col. now Congressman-elect (FL) Allen West
We are all bigots now! by Ann Coulter
"I saw the helpless Cherokees arrested and dragged from their homes, and driven at the bayonet point into the stockades." - Private John G. Burnett, Captain Abraham McClellan's Company, 2nd Regiment, 2nd Brigade, Mounted Infantry, Cherokee Indian Removal 1838-39
"If The Girl Scouts of America can't get back to teaching real character, perhaps it will be time to look for our cookies elsewhere."
Noticed a number of crooks and sign stealers were re elected. It must be like the old phrase, "short of murder."
Not every one who is eligible is registered to vote. Of those registered around these North Texas parts, about 37% cast a ballot in the mid-term election.
What happened and aftermath in the rest of the country was slightly more interesting with an R sweep.
I'm not a witch.
M-U-R-K-O-W-S-K-I (Moo)
In Feingold's Loss, Independents Turn On One of Their Own
BAYONETS! "You need to leave here understanding one word. BAYONETS!" - Lt. Col. now Congressman-elect (FL) Allen West
We are all bigots now! by Ann Coulter
"I saw the helpless Cherokees arrested and dragged from their homes, and driven at the bayonet point into the stockades." - Private John G. Burnett, Captain Abraham McClellan's Company, 2nd Regiment, 2nd Brigade, Mounted Infantry, Cherokee Indian Removal 1838-39
"If The Girl Scouts of America can't get back to teaching real character, perhaps it will be time to look for our cookies elsewhere."
One minute, 17 seconds.