making some calm remarks about the Renner-Plano Rd zoning hearing tonight 7PM at Richardson City Hall. He isn't always known for his judgment in my opinion, like forwarding Richardson Coalition email bomb material before (not now), but of the several on this topic I received, the one forwarded that had his prepared remarks was the most calm, sensible one, without head nodding ahead of time.
I wonder why the president of my neighborhood association or my city council district representative haven't mentioned a word about it. I have heard from them on many trivial, self-promoting, especially the district rep, things but not on this. Odd.
I wonder if anyone knows about the planned road work to accommodate (after the fact) this big development. I doubt they want to draw your attention to this, especially the closest home owners, down the road, because you might have some input.
Why not taller buildings and bigger set backs. It costs a little more (lot more), but it could function and be better, with more green space. As opposed to the small set back, short, cram plan.
The city (tax payers) is paying for the sub dividing roads across all the undeveloped plats I noticed. (Gotta have somethings to hook up to the four lane nature road). Is this undeveloped land in a tax (poverty) enterprize zone since open land is so hard to use and in such low demand, you know? It would be good to know.
I wonder why the president of my neighborhood association or my city council district representative haven't mentioned a word about it. I have heard from them on many trivial, self-promoting, especially the district rep, things but not on this. Odd.
I wonder if anyone knows about the planned road work to accommodate (after the fact) this big development. I doubt they want to draw your attention to this, especially the closest home owners, down the road, because you might have some input.
Why not taller buildings and bigger set backs. It costs a little more (lot more), but it could function and be better, with more green space. As opposed to the small set back, short, cram plan.
The city (tax payers) is paying for the sub dividing roads across all the undeveloped plats I noticed. (Gotta have somethings to hook up to the four lane nature road). Is this undeveloped land in a tax (poverty) enterprize zone since open land is so hard to use and in such low demand, you know? It would be good to know.