Betty White
Michael McDonald
Mo Collins
Chris Kattan
Weird Al Yankovic
Harvey Korman
Vicki Lawrence
Will Ferrell
Dana Carvey
Eddie Murphy
George Carlin
Gilda Radner
Lief Garrett
Adam Sandler
Bea Arthur
Dan Aykroyd
Johnny Carson
Carrot Top Scott Thompson
Owen Wilson
John Cleese
Rich Little
John Lithgow
Tracy Morgan
Rob Schneider
Molly Shannon
Martin Short
Red Skelton
Ben Stiller
Chris Tucker
Tracey Ullman
Christopher Walken
Jimmy Walker
Damon Wayans
Keenan Wayans
Shawn Wayans
Marlon Wayans
Laraine Newman
Stephen Colbert
Billy Connolly
Conan O'Brien
Tina Fey
After watching the near humorless and annoyed or irritated candidates for TX House District 102, I thought it best to begin creating an innoculation list, a vaccine of sorts.
Don Knotts
Jerry Lewis (h/t to you French)
What happened to Kent and Carter? That is not how they are when they are off stage. They are both socially delightful, pleasant, super likable people off stage whether you agree with their particular philosophies on a particular subject or not. Carol Kent, was that really you? Stefani Carter, I know you turned Eisemann down for running for carpet bagging it to Richardson to run for the lowly Richardson City Council (smart on you), but was that you? If that is the only exposure someone would have to the two of them, that and those awful ads, then it is no wonder ... Is this still the primaries?
Bob Newhart
Phil Hartman
Jamie Kennedy
Jack Paar
Joe Piscopo
Tim Meadows
Tom Poston
Nipsey Russell
Al Franken,
Bobby Lee
Will Sasso
Frank Caliendo
Simon Helberg...
I mean no disrepect, but neither of them came across as having that much of a plan or strategy. For pushing for anything that will improve our state's challenges and that will work and be agreeable (go beyond Texas partisan regurg.)
Stefani Carter was unpleasant and attacking trying to carve some points, which she did, which matters more in the race because she is the challenger. (And by race, I didn't mean anything having to do with skin color, and by skin color, I better not be accused of calling someone a janitor, ok? Because there's apparently something really wrong with being called a janitor. And getting kicked out of an HOA.)
Carol Kent came across as annoyed (I can see why but she needs to suck it up, up there) and didn't have her usual fiesty spirit. I might have missed it, but neither of them smiled once convincingly as in, I'm glad to be here, I'd like your vote, I'll do a good job, I can work with others even if I can't stand her, I mean them. I wonder if Fred Hill was there to encourage her or slip her some quid? She lost the "face off" or side off or whatever that was by mere fact that she was an incumbent who didn't press back as good as she was dealt, because she let herself be pushed on the ropes and aggravated, not her usual demeanor but at least she didn't keep interupting. It is her race to lose.
(I was half expecting Stefani Carter to go all like, "Knock knock, who's there, Interrupting. Interrupting wh... mooo. Ok, my bad, let's do it again. Knock knock. Who's There? Interrupting. Interruptin.... MOOO! Interrupting Cow, that's who!")
And what about high insurance rates and high utility costs? What about all the things that they didn't want to give an answer to. I would have actually liked it if they would have just said, beats me. Or dunno. Or, I didn't get around to it. Or Jane, you ignorant voter, you just don't know how hard it is to work in that bastion of a legislature and get anything good done!)

So are we now (according to partisan reviews and in some cases the candidates) supposed to know something like, Kent's a slightly peavish, forum rules tattletale, pro death penalty, hard working, neighbor's neighbor neosocialist gas tax raising top out of touch liberal in Texas with a sense of entitlement or something bipartisiany sounding. And Carter's the interrupting left end of a dark red but spotty colored wing nut cow "you can look it up for yourself" free market non endorsed by boss and unendorsed by mayor of Garland non janitorial attorney and carpetbagger. Next.
While this was not as bad as watching say Judge Sally Montgomery (D) and whoever she is bickering with at the moment, or DA Craig Watkins carrying on (however, does his opponent seriously expect us to believe Craig jacked his wheels and left his car neatly on blocks without a scratch? Get the DNA man! Prove it), at the Kent-Carter side by side it wasn't that informative or entertaining on the issues (so one has to make it so).
(About Montgomery, I really don't think Montgomery should be on the bench.)
At least Maurine and John Wiley are a little funny. Ok, a lot funny (in the laugh to keep from being incredulous way, also did Maurine seriously switch her vote to raise t..t.. I can't say it, but she nearly makes up for almost anything by how she says, "zero-scape" instead of xeriscape. It makes me grin when she does that and I like her more and also she actually knows something about it). And, at least Keith Self and whoever he is bickering with at the time are interestingly (in the fake play sort of way) dramatic.
But, this with Kent and Carter was like blah, spat, blah, moo, blah, you accidentally skipped over me, moo, huff, crouching on elbows leaning on the table, blah, moo, smirk, I thought I heard a good point no wait, yawn, huh, moo, what did she mean by that, moo, was that an answer, I'd rather be doing anything but this sigh, blah, lash, blah... Paraphrasing partially inaccurate reenactment.
If they aren't going to take their own candidacy very seriously on the issues enough to offer some meat or something, protein, starch, or leafy veggies or skillfully handcrafted item like one could find at a Richardson, Texas, Farmers and Makers Market (as opposed to being political narcisists and grouchy huffy annoyed party liners), then they can at least be entertaining. Or you know, get out of the ring.
Angie Chen Button of TX 112 just moved up a notch despite her habit of talking with her mouth full of food, letting crumbs blow out on us. Even that is more interesting than what either of the TX 102 candidates showed at the forum. (I sincerely wish Angie and alll newish reps down in Austin had better influences and guidance directly around them in the political and policy making arena. She for one has a lot to offer that's good. But there are a lot of pit...falls. She's as new as Kent when it comes to that. It seems too easy to fall into not so good things in that lege. Ask Joe Driver. Ask a lot of them. What's the deal. New reps, no matter how smart they are or think they are, shouldn't hang with people who steer then wrong there, or around Richardson City Hall for that matter. Or Garland, etc. Keeping the favor of bad people in the political arena is never worth it because it hurts good people and the new rep herself or himself who can be taken in by the big dogs. People who trusted you can't trust you anymore when you go bad. So get on the right track and stay there. Anything less is hollow even if you thought you won.)
Did Angie Chen Button seriously turn down appearing at the forum no matter what date the LWV picked? Cute. Rick. Cute.
The LWV gave them all a good opportunity.
Is there a choice that's a little bit country and a little bit rock and roll? Because if I could pick the middle half of Carol and the middle half of Stefani ... I would work for such a candidate.
Seriously, personally, I like Carol, even if I can't agree with some issues. She has done a lot of good work. Sometimes past good work isn't enough if times make more voters want to call for a candidate they think can stop the hemorrhaging (of a state budget shortfall) and not raise their taxes in the middle of a recession, whether it is a real or imagined image of a particular candidate or not or whether she has good manners or not.
New electees in the state lege have little power usually but the more worried voters are, the more they want to see a fighter, even if that fighter is borish, especially if they don't know anything about the candidates. Many will vote straight party tickets.
I don't know Stefani that well and it is mainly through seeing her at places we both happened to be. People I know who know her all seem to really like her too. I was taken aback by her behavior at the forum a little but her hand was played like her political consultants dreamed it up.
On the issues, I agree with Stefani Carter about 39% from what I can tell on the issues. I had said I agreed with Rep. Carol Kent 49% (which left 51%), but after studying it, it's more like 39%. So the tipping point is not met. If I actually had to vote or was eligible to vote for one of them, I would have to have some questions answered that neither have yet to answer clearly.
Something that happened this past week with the tea baggers makes me cringe when I was informed today that the Tea Party had endorsed Stefani weeks or months ago. I have a relative who told me that the tea baggers were having a convention in our home town and then I was sent a video in email of it because this tea bag lady woman got up and said that the place was an armpit of liberalism. Not cool to insult your audience. The tea bag speechifiers there came off as very radical. I know not all tea baggers are steeped in the same waters, but whoa.
Anyway, I give no endorsement in the Kent-Carter race. Not because of their performances at the forum. Why? Because I am a bigot. That's why. (Really not). I actually just can't vote for a woman. (Just kidding). And because I don't have to. I won't be voting for either one of them. (I actually can't.) You already know who you are voting for anyway.
But, so who is going to "win." Normally, Carol Kent would be reupped as the inc because she didn't seem to have any major scandals and she is well above average as far as candidates go, but she is new and in this time of anti inc tea flavored fervor and all the playahs and consultants, it's not a foregone conclusion. If that's the case, Stefani Carter on policy is no worse than many who represent. Just look at Pete Sessions. (I have to say Stefani floored me on her answer in the guide about the State Board of Education though). Or, if it is true that there is a come to Jesus democratic surge going on in the final countdown as I heard about on the (so called) news last night, then we know what we have gotten from Kent and it could be way worse. Just look at Pete Sessions*.
(*Despite Pete Sessions being pleasant and goofey and a good sign stealer when it comes to non office holder stuff, I can't vote for him. No, wait, make that a bad sign stealer. Good (in the bad way) sign stealers do not get caught like Pete got caught. And the reasons I won't vote for him are not about his sign stealing, but that certainly doesn't help).
Milton Burl
Jack Benny
Jack Black
Russell Brand
John Candy
Jerry Clower
Phyllis Diller
Jerry Seinfeld
Jimmy Fallon
Red Foxx
I might do a post about some of the other candidates I can or will have to vote for. (Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst; Ag Comm. Todd Staples; for RR Comm. it's Jeff Weems...)
Jamie Foxx
Mary Tyler Moore
Amy Sedaris
Julia Sweeney
Wanda Sykes
Lily Tomlin
Julia Louis-Dryfus
Michael McDonald
Mo Collins
Chris Kattan
Weird Al Yankovic
Harvey Korman
Vicki Lawrence
Will Ferrell
Dana Carvey
Eddie Murphy
George Carlin
Gilda Radner
Lief Garrett
Adam Sandler
Bea Arthur
Dan Aykroyd
Johnny Carson
Carrot Top Scott Thompson
Owen Wilson
John Cleese
Rich Little
John Lithgow
Tracy Morgan
Rob Schneider
Molly Shannon
Martin Short
Red Skelton
Ben Stiller
Chris Tucker
Tracey Ullman
Christopher Walken
Jimmy Walker
Damon Wayans
Keenan Wayans
Shawn Wayans
Marlon Wayans
Laraine Newman
Stephen Colbert
Billy Connolly
Conan O'Brien
Tina Fey
After watching the near humorless and annoyed or irritated candidates for TX House District 102, I thought it best to begin creating an innoculation list, a vaccine of sorts.
Don Knotts
Jerry Lewis (h/t to you French)
What happened to Kent and Carter? That is not how they are when they are off stage. They are both socially delightful, pleasant, super likable people off stage whether you agree with their particular philosophies on a particular subject or not. Carol Kent, was that really you? Stefani Carter, I know you turned Eisemann down for running for carpet bagging it to Richardson to run for the lowly Richardson City Council (smart on you), but was that you? If that is the only exposure someone would have to the two of them, that and those awful ads, then it is no wonder ... Is this still the primaries?
Bob Newhart
Phil Hartman
Jamie Kennedy
Jack Paar
Joe Piscopo
Tim Meadows
Tom Poston
Nipsey Russell
Al Franken,
Bobby Lee
Will Sasso
Frank Caliendo
Simon Helberg...
I mean no disrepect, but neither of them came across as having that much of a plan or strategy. For pushing for anything that will improve our state's challenges and that will work and be agreeable (go beyond Texas partisan regurg.)
Stefani Carter was unpleasant and attacking trying to carve some points, which she did, which matters more in the race because she is the challenger. (And by race, I didn't mean anything having to do with skin color, and by skin color, I better not be accused of calling someone a janitor, ok? Because there's apparently something really wrong with being called a janitor. And getting kicked out of an HOA.)
Carol Kent came across as annoyed (I can see why but she needs to suck it up, up there) and didn't have her usual fiesty spirit. I might have missed it, but neither of them smiled once convincingly as in, I'm glad to be here, I'd like your vote, I'll do a good job, I can work with others even if I can't stand her, I mean them. I wonder if Fred Hill was there to encourage her or slip her some quid? She lost the "face off" or side off or whatever that was by mere fact that she was an incumbent who didn't press back as good as she was dealt, because she let herself be pushed on the ropes and aggravated, not her usual demeanor but at least she didn't keep interupting. It is her race to lose.
(I was half expecting Stefani Carter to go all like, "Knock knock, who's there, Interrupting. Interrupting wh... mooo. Ok, my bad, let's do it again. Knock knock. Who's There? Interrupting. Interruptin.... MOOO! Interrupting Cow, that's who!")
And what about high insurance rates and high utility costs? What about all the things that they didn't want to give an answer to. I would have actually liked it if they would have just said, beats me. Or dunno. Or, I didn't get around to it. Or Jane, you ignorant voter, you just don't know how hard it is to work in that bastion of a legislature and get anything good done!)

So are we now (according to partisan reviews and in some cases the candidates) supposed to know something like, Kent's a slightly peavish, forum rules tattletale, pro death penalty, hard working, neighbor's neighbor neosocialist gas tax raising top out of touch liberal in Texas with a sense of entitlement or something bipartisiany sounding. And Carter's the interrupting left end of a dark red but spotty colored wing nut cow "you can look it up for yourself" free market non endorsed by boss and unendorsed by mayor of Garland non janitorial attorney and carpetbagger. Next.
While this was not as bad as watching say Judge Sally Montgomery (D) and whoever she is bickering with at the moment, or DA Craig Watkins carrying on (however, does his opponent seriously expect us to believe Craig jacked his wheels and left his car neatly on blocks without a scratch? Get the DNA man! Prove it), at the Kent-Carter side by side it wasn't that informative or entertaining on the issues (so one has to make it so).
(About Montgomery, I really don't think Montgomery should be on the bench.)
At least Maurine and John Wiley are a little funny. Ok, a lot funny (in the laugh to keep from being incredulous way, also did Maurine seriously switch her vote to raise t..t.. I can't say it, but she nearly makes up for almost anything by how she says, "zero-scape" instead of xeriscape. It makes me grin when she does that and I like her more and also she actually knows something about it). And, at least Keith Self and whoever he is bickering with at the time are interestingly (in the fake play sort of way) dramatic.
But, this with Kent and Carter was like blah, spat, blah, moo, blah, you accidentally skipped over me, moo, huff, crouching on elbows leaning on the table, blah, moo, smirk, I thought I heard a good point no wait, yawn, huh, moo, what did she mean by that, moo, was that an answer, I'd rather be doing anything but this sigh, blah, lash, blah... Paraphrasing partially inaccurate reenactment.
If they aren't going to take their own candidacy very seriously on the issues enough to offer some meat or something, protein, starch, or leafy veggies or skillfully handcrafted item like one could find at a Richardson, Texas, Farmers and Makers Market (as opposed to being political narcisists and grouchy huffy annoyed party liners), then they can at least be entertaining. Or you know, get out of the ring.
Angie Chen Button of TX 112 just moved up a notch despite her habit of talking with her mouth full of food, letting crumbs blow out on us. Even that is more interesting than what either of the TX 102 candidates showed at the forum. (I sincerely wish Angie and alll newish reps down in Austin had better influences and guidance directly around them in the political and policy making arena. She for one has a lot to offer that's good. But there are a lot of pit...falls. She's as new as Kent when it comes to that. It seems too easy to fall into not so good things in that lege. Ask Joe Driver. Ask a lot of them. What's the deal. New reps, no matter how smart they are or think they are, shouldn't hang with people who steer then wrong there, or around Richardson City Hall for that matter. Or Garland, etc. Keeping the favor of bad people in the political arena is never worth it because it hurts good people and the new rep herself or himself who can be taken in by the big dogs. People who trusted you can't trust you anymore when you go bad. So get on the right track and stay there. Anything less is hollow even if you thought you won.)
Did Angie Chen Button seriously turn down appearing at the forum no matter what date the LWV picked? Cute. Rick. Cute.
The LWV gave them all a good opportunity.
Is there a choice that's a little bit country and a little bit rock and roll? Because if I could pick the middle half of Carol and the middle half of Stefani ... I would work for such a candidate.
Seriously, personally, I like Carol, even if I can't agree with some issues. She has done a lot of good work. Sometimes past good work isn't enough if times make more voters want to call for a candidate they think can stop the hemorrhaging (of a state budget shortfall) and not raise their taxes in the middle of a recession, whether it is a real or imagined image of a particular candidate or not or whether she has good manners or not.
New electees in the state lege have little power usually but the more worried voters are, the more they want to see a fighter, even if that fighter is borish, especially if they don't know anything about the candidates. Many will vote straight party tickets.
I don't know Stefani that well and it is mainly through seeing her at places we both happened to be. People I know who know her all seem to really like her too. I was taken aback by her behavior at the forum a little but her hand was played like her political consultants dreamed it up.
On the issues, I agree with Stefani Carter about 39% from what I can tell on the issues. I had said I agreed with Rep. Carol Kent 49% (which left 51%), but after studying it, it's more like 39%. So the tipping point is not met. If I actually had to vote or was eligible to vote for one of them, I would have to have some questions answered that neither have yet to answer clearly.
Something that happened this past week with the tea baggers makes me cringe when I was informed today that the Tea Party had endorsed Stefani weeks or months ago. I have a relative who told me that the tea baggers were having a convention in our home town and then I was sent a video in email of it because this tea bag lady woman got up and said that the place was an armpit of liberalism. Not cool to insult your audience. The tea bag speechifiers there came off as very radical. I know not all tea baggers are steeped in the same waters, but whoa.
Anyway, I give no endorsement in the Kent-Carter race. Not because of their performances at the forum. Why? Because I am a bigot. That's why. (Really not). I actually just can't vote for a woman. (Just kidding). And because I don't have to. I won't be voting for either one of them. (I actually can't.) You already know who you are voting for anyway.
But, so who is going to "win." Normally, Carol Kent would be reupped as the inc because she didn't seem to have any major scandals and she is well above average as far as candidates go, but she is new and in this time of anti inc tea flavored fervor and all the playahs and consultants, it's not a foregone conclusion. If that's the case, Stefani Carter on policy is no worse than many who represent. Just look at Pete Sessions. (I have to say Stefani floored me on her answer in the guide about the State Board of Education though). Or, if it is true that there is a come to Jesus democratic surge going on in the final countdown as I heard about on the (so called) news last night, then we know what we have gotten from Kent and it could be way worse. Just look at Pete Sessions*.
(*Despite Pete Sessions being pleasant and goofey and a good sign stealer when it comes to non office holder stuff, I can't vote for him. No, wait, make that a bad sign stealer. Good (in the bad way) sign stealers do not get caught like Pete got caught. And the reasons I won't vote for him are not about his sign stealing, but that certainly doesn't help).
Milton Burl
Jack Benny
Jack Black
Russell Brand
John Candy
Jerry Clower
Phyllis Diller
Jerry Seinfeld
Jimmy Fallon
Red Foxx
I might do a post about some of the other candidates I can or will have to vote for. (Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst; Ag Comm. Todd Staples; for RR Comm. it's Jeff Weems...)
Jamie Foxx
Mary Tyler Moore
Amy Sedaris
Julia Sweeney
Wanda Sykes
Lily Tomlin
Julia Louis-Dryfus